For the past decade, I have accessed, explored, and worked with abandoned and repurposed industrial facilities all over Europe and the United States.  Attracted primarily to what most people consider to be obsolete relics, I have been driven by a desire to document an industrial past defined by its quest for permanence.

Growing up and living in New York City has certainly influenced my choice of subject matter.  The city has always been a nexus of communication and finance; however, the industrial structures still found throughout the cityscape attest to the fact that New York was once the manufacturing capital of the world.  The aesthetic and symbolic value of these structures, in their present states of apocalyptic decay, creates a landscape that confronts fears of obsolescence and death.

Through my work, I seek to engage people, enabling them to see and experience old objects in new ways, focusing our attentions on the radical changes that are affecting society.  If you are not able to visit my current installation in New York's newly reopened P.S.1 Museum, please take the time while you are here to click on the "contact" button and sign the guestbook with your comments, add your name to our mailing list, or send me e-mail.

--   Robert